Tuesday, September 17, 2013

When Time is Your Enemy

Time is my enemy right now.  It is too long until I see my family again.  When I finally do get back to see them it will be far too short a time before I have to return to Vegas and leave them behind once again.  We still don't know how long this separation will last.  A year apart seems like far too much time to be away from each other.  My youngest son is learning to play the bass.  Everyone is telling me he is getting really good at it.  He loves it and practices every night.  Reminds me of me when I discovered the guitar.  I need to be there to encourage him and jam with him.  We need to spend time together.  My oldest son is becoming the man of the house.  He is bbq'ing supper for everyone.  He is getting a job.  He is learning to drive.  I need to be there to encourage him and support him.  We need to spend time together.  My daughter is entering grade 12.  This is such an important year for her.  She is doing so well in school and I need to be there to support her in her studies and cheer her on in her last year of high school.  We need to spend time together.
My wife....well, you get it.
But, not just is time away from my family my enemy; time by myself down here is also my enemy.  I am aware of my weaknesses and of my temptations.  I am aware of the fact that when I am bored that is when I tend to get into trouble.  I am aware of how easy it is in this city to get lost and become a nameless, faceless, entity with no-one and nothing to hold you back from engaging in whatever activity you desire.  Free time is usually when people get into trouble and I have no intention of getting into trouble.  So, time is my enemy and I am attempting to fill my time with activities and work and getting myself into shape.
I accept every invitation from friends that I receive.  Want to go out for dinner or have me over for dinner in the evening?  I'm in.  Want to watch football together?  I'm in.  Need some help on my days off?  I'm in.  I'm saying yes to opportunities to speak and lead worship for church events outside my direct area of responsibility.  I joined a gym.  I get up every morning at 5:45 and work out for 1 - 1 1/2 hours.  I spend long days in the office.  I constantly stay connected to my wife via text, phone calls, and Skype every evening.  I make sure that I Skype with my family every evening at roughly the same time.
See, time may be my enemy, but I have determined with God's help, to not let it defeat me.
I'm counting down the days until I fly up to see my family.  Every day is one day closer.  Time can't win that battle. It can't stop me from seeing them again.
I'm filling up my days with good things, making sure I hold myself accountable for my hours and what I do in those hours.  For me, that is something I need to do. Now that I think about it, that is a great way to live every day, regardless of where you live or what situation you live in.          

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