Tuesday, April 29, 2014

From Painfully Slow to Extremely Fast

That about says it all.
Months and months of nothing.
Wondering if we were ever going to be back together.
Thinking that perhaps the year of living apart might actually turn into 18 months or 2 years.

But then, just when you are about ready to go postal on someone, you get an email and suddenly everything starts happening all at once.

Case numbers have been assigned.  Paperwork is on its way.  We can now sign up to deliver everything electronically, taking weeks off of the process.  I can pay the fees that will get us one step closer to the interview.

Perhaps the most amazing thing in all of this has to do with what Jo and I can only see as a "God thing" and not a coincidence.

Part of the paperwork we can now submit includes criminal background checks from everywhere Jo and the kids have lived.  For Jo, this meant England.  Getting a police background check from England, when you haven't lived there for years, and you now live far away can take weeks, and was the one thing that was going to potentially slow us down the most.

Everyone Jo talked to said it would take a minimum of 3 weeks and could take longer.

Jo got it in two days.  2 Days!!!!

It is already being couriered back to her as I write this.  Once she receives it, she can put it in the file and send it and then we are waiting for interview dates.

All of this makes me stop and think about how I relate to God.  At times, often if I am honest, I think God isn't doing anything because I don't see anything happening.  It is at these times I need to remember that God is always working behind the scenes.  Just because I can't see it with my limited human eyesight, does not mean God is also limited.

This is hard to do.  Especially when life is unfair, when good things happen to bad people or when bad things happen to good people.  At times I wonder if God is working at all.  Then days like this happen and I remember that He is God and I am not.  That I live in a sinful, human world and the consequences of living in this world are not always pretty.  They are not always fair or right.

But the end is coming, and when it comes, it will come fast.  God will set everything right.  He will make everything work together for good for those who love God.

Until that day, I have to do the best I can to remember this.

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