I do not deserve the life I have now. I do not deserve the family I have. I do not deserve the love of God or the privilege of being a minister. But I have these things and I know they are a gift from God.
For a guy like me, with my past, to have a beautiful, faithful, wonderful wife is beyond my comprehension. I do not deserve her. I did nothing in my past that would make me say "I've been a good moral upstanding young man who loves Jesus and deserves a wife who will be his best friend." If anything it was the exact opposite. Yet, here I am today, married 21 (almost 22) years to my best friend.
I did not do anything right, yet God blessed me with Jo. I wouldn't trade her for the world.
For a son like me, with my past, to have intelligent, focused, beautiful, loving kids is beyond my comprehension. I do not deserve them. My kids are all wonderful. I'm not just saying that. We actually like each other. We get along. I dare say we love each other. They are 17, 18, and 19, and we still enjoy hanging out together. We miss each other during this separation. Every time I read my daughter's blogs, listen to my son play bass, or talk to my other son about his education and future plans I am reminded of how completely undeserving and yet how blessed I am. I deserve kids who sleep around and do drugs and run away from home. Yet, here I am today, with the three most awesome kids in the entire world.
I did not do anything right, yet God blessed me with Kyle, Skye, and Braden. I wouldn't trade them for the world.
In the same way, I do not deserve eternal life. But, I dedicated my life to following a rabbi over 20 years ago. I have not even been close to following him perfectly. There have been seasons where I have gotten far off track and ended up following my own passions and desires. Sometimes I wonder if He looks over His shoulder and says "Where is that guy? Not again...."
And yet, because I said "Yes" to him all those years ago, He hasn't abandoned me. He hasn't let me get too far off track. I live with the consequences of some of my choices, but I am still a follower, and I still know that when this life ends, a better eternity is waiting.
I did not do anything right, yet God blessed me with eternal life. I'm living in the early stages of that life right now. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I wouldn't trade my rabbi for the world.
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