Monday, December 23, 2013

Three Things I Love

I love my church family.  Yesterday was a Sunday that reminded me again of how blessed I am to be part of South Hills Church in Henderson, Nevada.  My friend Sean Stepleton, lately of Canyon Ridge Christian Church, led worship for us and I was humbled and honored to teach after such an amazing time of worship.  Our church was as full as I have ever seen it and so many old and new friends were there.  As I stood amidst our congregation and listened to them give praise and worship to Jesus, as I was led into God's presence by our amazing worship team, as I stood in front of them to share God's Word, I felt like I was doing exactly what God created me to do, in the place He created me to do it.  I can't imagine leading a better church family.  Love you guys.

I love my family.  I miss them every day.  I can't wait to get on the plane tomorrow night after our last Christmas Eve service and fly home to spend 8 days with them.  My youngest son Braden is developing into an amazing musician.  My daughter Skye is writing a blog right now that fills my heart with love and with joy as I watch God work in her life.  My oldest son Kyle has become the man of the house in my absence.  He is working full time, doing an amazing job, knows what he wants to do in college and even at 19 still doesn't mind saying he loves his mom and dad.  I am blessed.  I also have the most amazing wife in the world.  After 22 years of marriage she still thinks I'm worth keeping around.  Being separated for the past four months has made me realize that God absolutely knew what He was doing when He put Jo and I together.  Love you all so much and can't wait to get you down here with me where we belong.

I love my Savior.  Not enough space in the world to say everything that could be said. Words can't describe the feeling of knowing that I am saved; that eternal life with Jesus is my future; that this world really is not my home; that I was created to feel like a gypsy until I reach my true home.  As I read Hebrews 11 to our church yesterday I was overwhelmed as I read "the world was not worthy of them...because God had planned something better for (all of) us..."  I love my Savior because He has something better planned for me.

I think that perhaps at Christmas time, more than any other season, I realize how important it is to spend this season with your church family, your real family, and your heavenly family.

Three things I love.  

1 comment:

  1. If you are traveling after the last Christmas Eve service, it sounds like you will be having a late and long night at Sea-Tac or YVR. I hope you have safe travel and a great time with your family.
