Lots of people I know say they find God in the everyday things. I believe them. I'd love it if they told me where or how, or if it is just some dumb cliche that people use to excuse their inability or lack of desire to search for God in His word. Regardless, I do find God in the everyday.
Here are some of the ways I've found God in my everyday life this week.
John Mayer's song "Other Side of Green". I was listening to it today at the gym. It contains these lyrics. "And I don't need another kind of green to know I'm on the right side with you." So often the grass looks greener on the other side. Life without the "restrictions" of religion or the perceived inability to have fun if you believe in God can make some people think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. As I listened to the song today I was reminded how true it is that I don't need to go back and try the grass on the other side of the fence, I know I'm on the right side with God. I love my life with God. I enjoy my life with God. I have fun. I live on His side of the fence.
On the wall of my office is an old Matrix poster. The tagline is "How far down does the rabbit hole go?" One of my favorite movies of all time. In it Morpheus asks Neo if he wants to take the blue pill and continue living in a fairy tale land where nothing is real, or if he wants to take the red pill and discover how far down the rabbit hole goes? Essentially, if he wants to discover the truth. Everyday I am reminded that there is no end to what I can discover about my Savior. There is no end to the rabbit hole, only deeper and deeper levels of understanding and discovery. The mystery is what keeps me coming back.
The keyboard on my ipad stopped working this week. I'm not a mac guy so I was frustrated. I'm downloading manuals from the internet, my wife is downloading manuals, I'm talking with my staff trying to figure it out. Finally my wife asks me if I have plugged in the keyboard to recharge it. I didn't know you had to recharge the keyboard separately from the ipad itself. I was reminded once again as I sat and watched the keyboard recharge yesterday afternoon of how vital it is that I remain plugged in to Jesus and His word.
Now I'm not trying to say that every little thing that happens in life has some giant spiritual significance. Most of the time it probably doesn't. I'm not suggesting we try to force some spiritual significance into every day living. Don't waste your day trying to figure out if the water not getting hot in the shower is God's way of trying to tell you something. What I am saying is this: be open to the reality that God does speak to us through our everyday lives. Look for the moments, be open to them. It may just be a feeling of peace as you watch the sun set. It may be a feeling of thankfulness as you interact with your kids or our spouse. God is everywhere.
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